Welcome Back

                  We are happy to welcome you back inside the store!  In compliance with Ontario’s latest Covid-19 guidlines, we are opening up to the public again, although with limitations. Two people are allowed in the store at one time. We are continuing our curbside service if that…


Curbside service continues here at Express Copies & Printing.  Thanks to everyone for your continued loyalty.  We have always had free delivery too. We are here to serve.  #ExpressPrintCK  Call us at 519-436-0112 or 519-627-0758 All the best   KK

Family Day

February 15, 2021 marks the day.  We will be closed on Family Day.   If any “printing emergencies” happen, we are always available here.   The first day of spring can’t be that far away, can it?   Thanks for tuning in and your continued support. KK


As we near the end of the first month of 2021, I want to thank all of our customers for their continued support.  All of the local print shops in Chatham-Kent are here to serve.  We might not be labelled as an esential service, but serving your printing needs is an essential service to us. …

Happy New Year

Happy New Year. As we take down our Christmas tree, I have to say, we are looking forward to 2021 for a lot of reasons.  For many of us, 2020 has been especially difficult, however something in my favourite app reminded me today,  gratitude will be my path forward.  We are grateful for so many…

Curbside is the Word

Welcome back. Along with the rest of the local business community, we are providing curbside service and delivery.  Customers will be back in the store when the Province opens things up again.   Email us at info@expressprinting.ca or call 519-436-0112. Thanks for you patience.   Check our socials @ExpressPrintCK for any updates or specials. Thanks for…